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Second River (Belleville) Reformed Dutch Church,
Marriage Records, 1730-1774, 1794-1800
Ackly, John, from New York & Rachel Hooglant, from
Second River (now Bellevue), upon license. Nov.04,1776 Ahleman, Henry & Maria Catrina Cann. Apr.07,1797
Allar, Charity & Edward Jones. Mar. 6,1797
Anderson, Robert & Mrs. Pietertje Mosely. Jan.28,1797 Andriesen, Jury & Judick Kint, both living in Peapack. Aug. 9,1742
Andro, David, born in Scotland & Maria Rose, both living
at Second River (now Bellevue). Dec.02,1738
Bergen, Richard & Elizabeth Leslie. Nov.29,1794
Bennet, Herman & Eliza Lezelier. Jun. 18,1797
Berry, Mary & Thomas Cadmus. Oct. 27,1799
Berry, Pieter, from Morris Co., & Susanna Jones, from
Bergen Co., married upon License. Aug. 09,1715
Bertholf, Guiljaem, born at Scralenburgh, living in
Pompton, & Jannetie Jacobusse, born at Wezel,
living at Hanover. Nov. 17,1736
Bikelo, Johannes & Antie Van Nieukerk, both from
Acquegnonck (now Passaic). May 30,1747
Billyou, Jacob & Johanna Van Zeil, both from Bergen Co,
married upon license. May 29,1758
Billington, Anna (maiden name America) & James Rolson. Jan. 22,1764
Bitstead, Andrew & Louisa Schoever. Mar. 01,1797
Black, Nicke & William Burgoyne, slaves. Nov.05,1797
Boss, Jacob & Catrina Sherntan, married upon certificate. Apr. 10,1759
Boss, Janneke & Jacob Smit. Jan. 23,1752
Bostwick, William & Abigael Grummond, both from
Newark, married with license. Feb. 25,1773 Braadberry, Elisabeth & Abram Van Rype. 1747
Bras, Gerrit & Antie Janse, both living at Second River. Oct. 13,1759
Bras, Pieter, born at Hackensack & Saartie Volck, born
at Second River, both living there. Apr. 14,1734
Bras, Sara & Hans Michel’s Smit. Jan. 09,1741
Brass, Catrina & Hendrik Oudwater. Feb. 23,1743
Brower, Lea & Jacobus Verwey. Feb. 23,1743
Brown, John & Sarah Morris. Sep. 05,1798
Brown, Sophia & Henry Van Winkle. Feb. 24,1798
Bruen, Nathaniel & Abigail Harrison. Mar.22,1798
Bruyn, Elisabeth & Ary Cadmus. Dec. 21,1734
Bruyn, Hendrik,son of Barent & Rachel Burger, both from
Second River. Feb.14,1756
Bruyn, Hillegond & Hendrik Francisco. Jan. 14,1757
Bruyn, Hillegonda & Jacob Van Winkel. May19,1750
Bruyn, Jacobus, from Second River & Catharina Leasear,
from New York. Married upon license. Oct. 05,1754
Bruyn, Johannes, born at Second River & Hillegont Van Giesen,
born at Hackensack, both living Second River. Dec. 06,1730
Bruyn, Johannia & Elisabeth Santvoort, both living at
Second River. Jun. 01,1751 Bruyn,Margrieje & Arien Koning,both living Second River. Jun. 02,1744
Bruyn, Steyntie & Francois Wouterse. 1741
Budd, Mary & Baltus De Hart. Oct. 26,1796
Budd, Phoebe & Casparus King. Dec. 24,1794
Burger, Manus, born a New York, living at Hacksensack &
Annatie Koejemans, born & living at Second River Jan. 27,1734
Burger, Rachel & Bruyn. Feb.14,1756
Burgoyne, William & Nicke Black, slaves. Nov. 5,1799
Cadmus, Abraham & Margaret Leslie. Nov. 29,1794
Cadmus, Ary, born at Bergen & Elisabeth Bruyn, widow
of Hannes Mandeviel, born at Second River,
living there. Dec. 21,1734
Cadmus, Catharina & Evert Van Es. Sep. 01, 1736
Cadmus, Elizabeth & William Groshong. Dec. 20,1794
Cadmus, Engeltie & Theunis Spier. Aug. 16,1735
Cadmus, Hermanus & Sarah Ward. Dec. 03,1798
Cadmus, Margrietje & Arie Jacobusse. Jun. 29,1737
Cadmus, Maria & Jan Mead. Jan. 17,1753Cadmus, Maria &
Johannes Mead. Jan. 17,1753
Cadmus, Marytie & Cornelis Jeralemon. Apr. 21,1739
Cadmus, Marytie & William King. Jul. 28,1757
Cadmus, Melchert & Elisabeth Ellen, both living Second River.
Oct. 04,1741
Cadmus, Pietertie & Thomas Cadmus. Jun. 29,1760
Cadmus, Saertie & Hendrik Spier. May 13,1748
Cadmus, Thomas, born at Bergen & Cornelia Jeralemon,
born at Second River, both living there. Jun. 30,1733
Cadmus, Thomas & Pietertie Cadmus, both from Second
River, married upon license. Jun. 29,1760
Cadmus, Thomas & Mary Berry. Oct. 27,1799
Campbell, Maria & Abraham Fransisco. Mar. 12,1796
Cann, Maria Catrina & Henry Ahleman. Apr. 17,1797
Carne, John & Jane Kip, both of New York. Sep. 14,1776
Cesar, a slave of Arent Schuyler & Grace, a slave of
William Hornblower. Feb. 18,1797
Chapin, Clarissa & Samuel Humphry. Aug. 21,1800
Cidney, Sara & Paulus Rome. Oct. 12,1766
Claes, Jan Everse, widower of Elisabeth Bouman, born at
Osnabruck & Catharina Soldaat, born at Ackinsack,
both living at Second River. Dec. 11,1735
Clark, Robert, widower of Rachel Cloud, born in Ireland
& Abigal Pingham (?), widow of Willaim Pease,
both living at Second River. Oct. 21,1764
Clarkson, Polly & Niclaes Gerbrandse. Jun. 05,1764
Coccifer, Tryntie & _____ Vander Hoeff. Nov. 21,1764
Coerte, Johanne, born at Wesel, living at Hanover & Annetie
Stor, born in the Esopus, living at Hanover. Nov. 11,1735
Clarkson, Polly & Niclaes Gerbrandse. Jun. 05,1755
Coccifer, Tryntie & _____ Vander Hoeff. Nov. 21,1740
Coerte, Johannes, born at Wesel, living at Hanover & Annetie
Stor, born in the Esopus, living at Hanover. Nov. 11,1735 Coeyeman, Jacob & Rachel Garrabrantz. Jul. 05,1798
Coorte, Johannes, widower of Tryntie Smit, from the
Fairfield & Rachel Doolhage, from Pekmans River. Oct. 22,1751 Cornelison, Rev. John & Catharine Mezier, at Bergen. May 12,1795 Coyeman, Margerita & Thomas Vreeman Van Bype, Married
with license. Apr. 17,1750
Coymans. Lea & Jacob Spier, both living at Second River. Dec. 05,1746 Coyman,Rachel & Adriaan Van Rype,both from Sec. River Jan. 19,1764
Dally, Anna & William Kingslant. Oct.19, 1742
Davids, Jannetie & Johannes Gerbrants, both living at
Second River. Apr.10, 1756
Davis, Phebe, from Newark & Andrew Pierse. Married May 06,1750
De Hart, Baltus & Mary Budd. Oct. 26,1796
DeHart, Matthias, from Elizabethtown & Catharina Kingslant,
from North Berbadus. Married 1746
Demarre, David & Maria Van Buskerk, both from Bergen.
Married Aug. 01,1748
De Remis, Jenneke & Cornelis Van Giesen. Aug. 06,1748
Deremis, Julian, from Ackquegnonck & Elisabeth Yong,
from Hanover. Oct. 02,1744
Devoisne, Hester & Hendrik Van Winkel. Nov.25,1764
De Voor, John & Aeltie Jacobusse, both from Second River.
Married Nov.19,1758
De Vousne, John & Sietie Van Winkel, both living at Second River. Married Dec. 21,1766
Dinah, a slave to Peter Schuyler & Henry Zelius, a free Mulatto. Feb. 24,1798
Dobbins, Elizabeth & Isaac Soveril. Jan. 06, 1796
Dodd, Mrs. Sarah & Aury King. Jan. 27, 1799 Doolhaage, Rachel & Johannes Coorte. Oct. 22,1751 Doolhaven, Leentie & Johannis Vreelan. Oct. 07,1752
Dorhager, Femmetie & Marselis Ydese. Nov. 21,1741 Douwe Arie & Mary King, both from Second River. Married 1748
Douwe, Johannes, born at New York & Elisabeth Jeralomon,
both living at Second River. Married Dec. 03,1740
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