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Vital Records of Norwich, Conn. 1735-1800
Calkin, Hugh, son of Andrew & Lydia, born 18 Aug. 1765
Calkin, Elisha & Mary Swaddel, married 16 Mar. 1757
Elisha & Mary, twin son & daughter of Elisha & Mary, born 21 Dec. 1757
Elisha, son of Elisha & Mary, died 14 Apr. 1759
Elisha, son of Elisha & Mary, second of that name, born 24 Nov. 1760
Stephen, son of Elisha & Mary, born 14 Dec. 1761
Phebe, daughter of Elisha & Mary, born 6 Dec. 1763
Naomy & Ruth, twin daughters of Elisha & Mary, born 22 Feb. 1766
Calkin, Thomas & Abigail Vorce of Lebanon, married 17 Dec. 1761
Temperance, daughter of Thomas & Abigail, born 15 Mar. 1763
Durke, son of Thomas & Abigail, born 26 Jan. 1765
Charles, son of Thomas & Abigail, born 20 Feb. 1769
Joshua, son of Thomas & Abigail, born 20 Nov. 1770
Thomas, son of Thomas & Abigail, born 20 Jan. 1773
Capron, William & Ruth Waterman, married 24 Nov. 1757
Martha, daughter of William & Ruth, born 21 Sept. 1758
William, son of William & Ruth, born 16 Apr. 1763
Martha, daughter of William & Ruth, died 29 Aug. 1763
Susannah, daughter of William & Ruth, born 7 Sept. 1765
Carew, Palmer & Sarah Chapman, married 23 Oct. 1760
Sarah, daughter of Palmer & Sarah, born 12 Mar. 1761
Carew, Simeon & Elizabeth Starr, married 15 Jan. 1756
Case, Simeon & Mehitabel Allen of Pomsret, married 13 Mar. 1759
John, son of Simeon & Mehitabel, born 18 Jan. 1760
Simeon, son of Simeon & Mehitabel, born 24 May 1761
John, son of Simeon & Mehitabel, died 27 Oct. 1761
Samuel, son of Simeon & Mehitabel, born 29 Dec. 1762
John, son of Simeon & Mehitabel, second by that name, born
25 July 1764
Daniel, son of Simeon & Mehitabel, born 30 May 1766, died 10 July 1766
Caswell, Nathan & Hannah Bingham, married 30 Apr. 1761
Chapman, Elias, son of Aaron & Keziah, born 22 Mar. 1751
Caleb, son of Aaron & Keziah, born 23 May 1753
Joshua, son of Aaron & Keziah, born 14 Mar. 1755
Joseph, son of Aaron & Keziah, born 10 Sept. 1757
Chester, Jonathan & Freelove Waterman, married 4 Apr. 1751
Lucy, daughter of Jonathan & Freelove, born 23 Apr. 1752
Clark, Mary, daughter of Elisha & Mary, died 14 July 1751
Mary, daughter of Elisha & Mary,second of that name,born 25 July 1751
Mary, wife of Elisha, died 14 Sept. 1751
Clark, Elisha & Hannah Leffingwell, married 7 Nov. 1751
Asa, son of Elisha & Hannah, born 27 Apr. 1753, died 29 Jun. 1753
Clark, James & Ruth Holly, married 28 Feb. 1765
Elizabeth, daughter of James & Ruth, born 14 Dec. 1765
Oliver, son of James & Ruth, born 31 July 1767
Clark, Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel & Thankful, born 15 Aug. 1758
Clark, Waters & Lucy Hill, married 9 Dec. 1762
Charles, son of Waters & Lucy, born 9 Nov. 1763
Lucy, daughter of Waters & Lucy, born 29 Aug. 1765
Nabby, daughter of Waters & Lucy, born 29 Jun. 1767
Elisha, son of Waters & Lucy, born 23 Jan. 1769
Waters, son of Waters & Lucy, born 1 Feb. 1771
Polly, daughter of Waters & Lucy, born 9 Mar. 1775
John, son of Waters & Lucy, born 14 Nov. 1778
Cyrus, son of Waters & Lucy, born 25 Mar. 1780
Clark, Zepheniah, son of Oliver & Elizabeth, born 16 Feb. 1751/52
Cobb, Henry, son of Nathan & Kathrine, died 20 May 1761
Henry Stanton, son of Nathan & Kathrine, born 27 Jun 1761
Kathrine, daughter of Nathan & Kathrine, born 14 Nov. 1762
Jerusha, daughter of Nathan & Kathrine, born 18 Sept. 1764
Margaret, daughter of Nathan & Kathrine, born 17 Apr. 1766
Mary, daughter of Nathan & Kathrine, born 8 July 1768
Coit, William & Sarah Lothrop, married 21 Mar. 1759
Abigail, daughter of William & Sarah, born 26 Jan. 1760
William, son of William & Sarah, born 27 Apr. 1761
Elisha, son of William & Sarah, born 22 Dec. 1762
Sarah, daughter of William & Sarah, born 11 Feb. 1765
Lydia, daughter of William & Sarah, born 4 Sept. 1766
Daniel, son of William & Sarah, born 2 Apr. 1768
Levi, son of William & Sarah, born 24 Apr. 1770
Colkin, Hugh & Elizabeth Johnson of Middletown, married 18 Jan. 1759
Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh & Elizabeth, born 7 Feb. 1760,
died 15 May 1778
Collier, John & Prudence Hubbard, married 12 Dec. 1765
Lucy, daughter of John & Prudence, born 11 July 1767
William, son of John & Prudence, on 20 Sept. 1769
Jerusha, daughter of John & Prudence, born 1 Feb. 1772
Betsey, daughter of John & Prudence, born 24 Jun. 1774
Corning, Nehemiah & Mrs. Freelove Bliss, married 25 Dec. 1754
Mary, daughter of Nehemiah & Freelove, born 27 Sept. 1755
Uriah, son of Nehemiah Corning & Freelove, born 20 Mar. 1758
Amos, son of Nehemiah & Freelove, born 20 Apr. 1760
Bliss, son of Nehemiah & Freelove, born 30 Oct. 1763
Cyrus, son of Nehemiah & Freelove, born 12 Mar. 1766
Crocker, Asa & Elizabeth Vose of Wefterly, married 4 July 1757
Henry, son of Asa & Elizabeth, born 23 Apr. 1758
Betty, daughter of Asa & Elizabeth, born 15 Sept. 1759
Esther, daughter of Asa & Elizabeth, born 3 Apr. 1761
Lucy, daughter of Asa & Elizabeth, born 25 Jan. 1763
Asa, son of Asa & Elizabeth, born 24 Nov. 1764
Anne, daughter of Asa & Elizabeth, born 27 Oct. 1767
Hazen, son of Asa & Elizabeth, born 7 Sept. 1771
Crocker, Ezekeil & Sarah Spencer of East Haddam, married 19 Dec. 1759
Hannah, daughter of Ezekiel & Sarah, born 22 Feb. 1761
Charles, son of Ezekiel & Sarah, born 8 July 1762
Charles, son of Ezekiel & Sarah, died 31 July 1762
Dyar, son of Ezekiel & Sarah, born 15 Sept. 1763
Lydia, daughter of Ezekiel & Sarah, born 18 Dec. 1765
Crocker, Roswell & Sybel Capron of Groton, married 17 Oct. 1754
Roswell, husband of Sybel, died 6 Aug. 1755
Roswell, son of Roswell & Sybel, born 10 Jan. 1756
Crocker, Thomas & Sarah Vebber of New London, married 18 Feb. 1761
William, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 12 Oct. 1761
Ann, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 23 Feb. 1764
Thomas, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 16 Jan. 1766
Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 3 Mar. 1769
Olive, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 4 Mar. 1772
Phebe, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 9 July 1774
Huldah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 4 Feb. 1777
Daniel Wolcott, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 12 July 1781
William Loring, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 30 Jan. 1785
Crosby, Timothy & Mary Mory of Voluntown, married 27 Apr. 1759
Simon, son of Timothy & Mary, born 11 Feb. 1760
Danforth, Mr. James, died 25 Feb. 1759
Darby, Jedidiah, son of Jedidiah & Lucretia, born 10 Jan. 1757
John, son of Jedidiah & Lucretia, born 22 July 1759
Chester, son of Jedidiah & Lucretia, born 26 Apr. 1761
Azariah, son of Jedidiah & Lucretia, born 26 May 1763
Abigail, daughte of Jedidiah & Lucretia, born 10 Apr. 1765
Samuel, son of Jedidiah & Lucretia, born 22 Jun. 1767
Davis, Moley, daughter of Isaac & Lucy, born 20 Apr. 1752
Dennis, Benjamin & Thankful Bliss, married 10 Nov. 1746
Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Thankful, 28 July 1749
Deborah, daughter of Benjamin & Thankful, 30 Sept. 1751,
died 11 July 1752
Russell, son of Benjamin & Thankful, born 8 Feb. 1754
Samuel, son of Benjamin & Thankful, born 4 May 1756
Deborah, daughter of Benjamin & Thankful, second by that name,
born 6 Jun. 1759
Anne, daughter of Benjamin & Thankful, born 19 Dec. 1762
Douglas, Daniel Jr. & Martha Law of Goshen, married 31 Oct. 1765
Daniel Jr., husband of Martha, died 3 Jun. 1766
Dowd, Noah of Coventry in Co. of Providence in Rhode Island & Lydia
Howard living in same Co., married 13 July 1749 (daughter of Benj.)
Ezekiel, son of Noah & Lydia, born 2 Mar. 1752
Downer, Andrew & Mary Brown of Windham, married 10 Mar. 1755
Zaccheeus, son of Andrew & Mary, born 13 Nov. 1755
Jason, son of Andrew & Mary, born 21 Dec. 1756
Downer, Joseph Jr. & Ascena Cushman, married 7 Apr. 1755
Luther, son of Joseph Jr. & Ascena, born 24 July 1756
Mrs. Mary, widow of Joseph, died 5 Dec. 1758
Joseph, husband of Mary, died 23 Nov. 1756
Leucretia, daughter of Joseph & Mary, died 16 Aug. 1760
Downs, Jabez & Sarah Reed of Windham, married 7 Sept. 1757
Joshua, son of Jabez & Sarah, born 4 Mar. 1758
Caroline, daughter of Jabez & Sarah, born 4 Sept. 1759
Durfy, John Jr. & Elizabeth Read, married 16 Apr. 1753
Elizabeth, daughter of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 4 Feb. 1754
Keziah, daughter of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 25 Jun. 1756
Ephram, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 28 Sept. 1760
John, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 16 Jun. 1762
Ephraim, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, died in the American Army in PA.
in Dec. 1777
Durkee, John & Martha Wood, married 3 Jan. 1753
Anne, daughter of John & Martha, born 23 Oct. 1753
John, son of John & Martha, born 23 Sept. 1757
Phinehas, son of John & Martha, born 27 Aug. 1762
Barre, son of John & Martha, born 21 Oct. 1767
Durkee, Saben & Ruth Crocker, married 9 Nov. 1756
Molly, daughter of Saben & Ruth, born 12 Aug. 1758
William, son of Saben & Ruth, born 6 Nov. 1760
Sarah, daughter of Saben & Ruth, born 27 Jan. 1762
Walton, son of Saben & Ruth, born 31 July 1763
Eliphalet, son of Saben & Ruth, born 26 Oct. 1768
Eames, John & Bety Longbottom, married 23 Nov. 1758
Rufus, son of John & Betty, born 4 Dec. 1759
Comfort, son of John & Betty, born 12 Aug. 1763
Anna, daughter of John & Betty, born 22 July 1765
Cyrus, son of John & Betty, born 2 Jun. 1771
Lucy, daughter of John & Betty, born 29 Aug. 1773
Gideon, son of John & Betty, born 23 Oct. 1776
Lydia, daughter of John & Betty, born 26 Mar. 1781
Eames, Thadeeus, son of David & Irena, born 18 May 1755
John, son of David & Irena, born 11 Sept. 11, 1756

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