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Vital Records of Norwich, Conn. 1735-1800
Walker, Isaac of Preston & Lydia Knight, married 27 Jun. 1753
Wallbridge, Henry & Anne Safford, married 25 Dec. 1750
Asa, son of Henry & Anne, born 11 Apr. 1751
Anne, daughter of Henry & Anne, born 2 Oct. 1756
Silas, son of Henry & Anne, born 27 Jun. 1759
Wallworth, Amos & Elizabeth, the names & ages of their children:
Joshua, son of Amos & Elizabeth, born 8 jan. 1755
Thomas, son of Amos & Elizabeth, born 8 Aug. 1757
Elizabeth, daughter of Amos & Elizabeth, born 5 Jun. 1763
Walton, Nathaniel & Hannah Smith, married 19 Jun. 1755
Anna, daugher of Nathaniel & Hannah boorn 25 Jun. 1757
Daniel, son of Nathaniel & Hannah, born 27 Feb. 1758
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Hannah, born 1 Apr. 1763,
died 17 Mar. 1771
Hannah, wife of Nathaniel, died 16 Mar. 1776
Warren, Lemuel & Mrs. Abigail Arnold of Haddam, were married
Lydia, daughter of Lemuel & Abigail, born 20 Jan. 1760
Jonathan, son of Lemuel & Abigail, born 3 Apr. 1763
Abigail, daughter of Lemuel & Abigail, born 23 Sept. 1765
Daniel, son of Lemuel & Abigail, born 7 Apr. 1768
Waterhouse, Samuel & Jerusha, married 15 Mar. 1759
Waterman, Deborah, daughter of Asa & Lucy, died 2 Jun. 1755
Azariah, son of Asa & Lucy, second by that name, died 5 Sept. 1759
Asa, husband of Lucy, died 14 Nov. 1783
Lucy, widow of Asa, died 16 Nov. 1790
Waterman, Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Daniel, died 22 Oct. 1760
Waterman, Mr. Daniel & Elisabeth Haskell, second wife, married 20 Apr. 1763
Mr. Daniel, husband of Elisabeth, died 7 Mar. 1773
Waterman, Ezekiel & Silence Brett, married 10 Jun. 1762
Fanny, daughter of Ezekiel & Silence, born 28 Mar. 1763
Charissa, daugher of Ezekiel & Silence, born 7 July 1765
Anson, son of Ezekiel & Silence, born 28 Jan. 1768
Asaph, son of Ezekiel & Silence, born 23 Nov. 1770
Rosinda, daughter of Ezekiel & Silence, born 28 Sept. 1772
Rosinda, daughter of Ezekiel & Silence, died 14 Oct. 1775
Daniel, son of Ezekiel & Silence, born 27 Aug. 1776
Flavius, son of Ezekiel & Silence, born 20 Aug. 1778
Silence, wife of Ezekiel, died 22 Apr. 1780
Waterman, Ezra & Lydia Kilborn, married 19 Nov. 1761
Waterman, Jedidiah & Sarah Cook, married 14 Jun. 1758
Waterman, Thomas & Eunice French, married 24 May 1759
Azariah, son of Thomas & Eunice, born 3 Apr. 1761
Lucy, daughter of Thomas & Eunice, born 22 Sept. 1763
Eunice, daughter of Thomas & Eunice, born 15 Jan. 1765
Caroline, daughter of Thomas & Eunice, born 25 Mar. 1769
Erastus, son of Thomas & Eunice, born 19 Mar. 1773
Waterman, Uriah & Anne Abell, married 14 Oct. 1766
Uriah, son of Uriah & Anne, born 31 May 1767
Webb, John & Mrs. Jane Faulknor of Windham, married 26 Apr. 1759
John, son of John & Jane, born 20 Apr. 1761
Sarah, daughter of John & Jane, born 12 Oct. 1765
Susanna, daughter of John & Jane, born 25 Nov. 1767
David, son of John & Jane, born 2 Apr. 1770
Wedge, William, died 11 Dec. 1756
Wentworth, Benjamin, died 11 May 1764
Wentworth, Ebenezer & Ann Haskin, married 1 Jun. 1735
Daniel, son of Ebenezer & Ann, born 5 Mar. 1739
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Ann, born 26 Jun. 1741
Ezekiel, son of Ebenezer & Ann, born 20 Jun. 1743
Daniel, son of Ebenezer & Ann, died 5 Dec. 1743
Mehitable, daughter of Ebenezer & Ann, born 26 Dec. 1745
Ann, daughter of Ebenezer & Ann, born 21 May 1748
Dorcas, daughter of Ebenezer & Ann, born 7 Oct. 1751
Wentworth, Jared & Abigail Wilson of Ashford, married 2 Jan. 1760
Mehetibel, daughter of Jared & Abigail, born 29 Oct. 1761
John Harkness, son of Jared & Abigail, born 16 Dec. 1763
John Harkness, son of Jared & Abigail, died 13 Jun. 1765
Werden, Mrs. Werden, wife of Samuel Werden, died 13 Sept. 1715
Samuel Werden, father of Thomas & husband of Mrs. Werden,
died 26 Aug. 1716
Werden, Dr. Thomas, husband of Sarah, died 6 Nov. 1759
Sarah, widow of Dr. Thomas, died 6 May 1760
Wetmore, Mrs. Keturah, wife of Prosper Wetmore Esq., died 13 Feb. 1787
Wheat, Benjamin Jr. & Elizabeth Grant, married 15 Apr. 1756
Benjamin, son of Benjamin Jr. & Elizabeth, born 20 Aug. 1756
Mary, daughter of Benjamin Jr. & Elizabeth, born 18 Aug. 1758
Benjamin, son of Benjamin Jr. & Elizabeth, second by that name,
29 Jun. 1760
Benjamin, son of Benjamin Jr. & Elizabeth, died 15 Apr. 1764
Wheeler, Edward & Thankful Geer, both of Preston, married 8 Sept. 1743
Nathan, son of Edward & Thankful, born 12 Aug. 1744
Elizabeth, daughter of Edward & Thankful, born 15 Sept. 1745
Sarah, daughter of Edward & Thankful, born 3 Mar. 1747
Olive, daughter of Edward & Thankful, born 30 Aug. 1749
Edward, son of Edward & Thankful, born 28 July 1751,
died 27 May 1752
Edward, son of Edward & Thankful, second by that name,
born 26 Feb. 1753
Labeus, son of Edward & Thankful, born 16 Oct. 1754
Hannah, daughter of Edward & Thankful, born 16 Dec. 1756
Sarah, daughter of Edward & Thankful, died 18 Feb. 1757
Prosper, son of Edward & Thankful, born 8 Aug. 1758
Micajah, son of Edward & Thankful, born 16 Feb. 1761
Apphia, daughter of Edward & Thankful, born 28 Aug. 1762
Parla, son of Edward & Thankful, born 5 Jan. 1765
Whipple, Zephaniah & Lydia Bushnell, married 5 May 1767
Bushnell, son of Zephaniah & Lydia, born 12 May 1768
Elisha, son of Zephaniah & Lydia, born 16 Oct. 1733
Solomon, son of Zephaniah & Lydia, born 16 Dec. 1770
Asa, son of Zephaniah & Lydia, born 21 Sept. 1775
White, Mrs. Elizabeth White, widow, died 2 July 1757
Whiting, Caleb & Lois Lyon, married 8 Mar. 1756
Anne, daughter of Caleb & Lois, born 26 Oct. 1756
Lucy, daughter of Caleb & Lois, born 29 Jan. 1759
Martha, daughter of Caleb & Lois, born 3 may 1761
Ebenezer, son of Caleb & Lois, born 16 Oct. 1763
Abigail, daughter of Caleb & Lois, born 12 Jan. 1766
William, son of Caleb & Lois, born 8 Sept. 1768
Caleb Raymond, son of Caleb & Lois, born 19 Mar. 1771
Whiting, Charles, son of Charles & Honor, born 5 Apr. 1751
Honor, daughter of Charles & Honor, born 5 July 1753
Hezekiah, son of Charles & Honor, born 22 Jun. 1755
Mary, daughter of Charles & Honor, born 17 Oct. 1757
Elizabeth, daughter of Charles & Honor, born 29 May 1760
Jeffery, son of Charles & Honor, born 18 Dec. 1762
Whiting, Samuel & Sarah Dyar of Canterbury, married 23 Dec. 1757
John, son of Samuel & Sarah, born 20 Oct. 1758
Whiting, William & Mrs. Anna Mason, married 27 Sept. 1759
Whiting, William Bradford & Abigail Carew, married 10 Apr. 1754
Abigail, daugther of William B. & Abigail, born 12 may 1756
Abigail, wife of William B., died 20 May 1756
Abigail, daugther of William B. & Abigail, died 20 Mar. 1757
Whiting, William Bradford & Amy Lothrop, second wife, married 24 July 1757
William, son of William B. & Amy, born 29 May 1758, died 4 May 1759
Abigail, daughter of William B. & Amy, born 4 Feb. 1759
Anna, daughter of William B. & Amy, born 8 Feb. 1762
John, son of William B. & Amy, born 4 Feb. 1764
Wife, John & Katharine Wentworth, married 26 Sept. 1751
Billy, son of John & Katharine, born 2 Jan. 1751/52
Wight, John & Mrs. Alice Fitch of Windham, married 11 Oct. 1759
John Fitch, son of John & Alice, born 19 May 1761
Wight, Joseph & Hannah Kirtland, married 17 Apr. 1750
Joseph, son of Joseph & Hannah, born 23 Jan. 1755
Hannah, wife of Joseph, died 10 Jun. 1756
Joseph, son of Joseph & Hannah, died 1 Aug. 1756
Wilcocks, Elisha & Zerviah Spicer, married 7 Nov. 1750
Willes, Joshua & Martha Edgerton, married 30 Sept. 1760
Hannah daughter of Joshua & Martha, born 7 Aug. 1761
Hannah daughter of Joshua & Martha, died 27 Jan. 1762
Martha, wife of Joshua, died 23 Nov. 1761
Willes, Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Eunice Huntingon, second wife, married
13 Dec. 1764
Jabez, son of Joshua & Eunice, born 10 Sept. 1765
Temperance, daughter of Joshua & Eunice, born 4 Mar. 1768
Williams, Elijah & Lydia Longbottom, married 17 Nov. 1756
Asa, son of Elijah & Lydia, born 2 Mar. 1757
Daniel, son of Elijah & Lydia, born 28 may 1759
Williams, Peter & Sarah Smith, married 18 Nov. 1756
Esther, daughter of Peter & Sarah, born 14 Sept. 1757
Rachel, daughter of Peter & Sarah, born 30 Mar. 1759
Sibel, daughter of Peter & Sarah, born 27 Feb. 1761
Deborah, daughter of Peter & Sarah, born 31 Aug. 1764
Winchester, James & Anna Longbottom, married 15 Mar. 1757
James, son of James & Ann, born 19 Feb. 1758
Anne, daughter of James & Ann, born 9 Nov. 1759
Witter, Jacob & Rhoda Baldwin, married 21 May 1760
Wood, Benjamin & Elizabeth Dodge of Windham, married 5 Nov. 1753
Asenath, daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth, born 8 Sept. 1754
Bela, son of Benjamin & Elizabeth, born 14 Aug. 1756
Mary, daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth, born 26 Aug. 1758
Mary, daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth, died 12 Oct. 1759
Mary, daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth, second of that name,
born 26 July 1760
Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Elizabeth, born 24 Jan. 1763
Wood, Jacob & Martha Haskin, married 14 Dec. 1767
Wood, Job & Theode Wallbridge, married in Feb. 1758
Levi, son of Job & Theode, born 2 Dec. 1758
Joshua, son of Job & Theode, born 14 Apr. 1762
Lois, son of Job & Theode, born 20 Mar. 1763
Theoda, daughter of Job & Theode, born 15 Apr. 1765
Anne, daughter of Job & Theode, born 23 Feb. 1767
Wood, John & Hannah Richardson, married 17 Feb. 1757
Wood, Josiah & Rebeckah Hofford, married 8 Sept. 1763
Wood, Zebedee & Esther Hough, married 10 Nov. 1756
Sibel, daughter of Zebedee & Esther, born 29 Jun. 1757
Andrew, son of Zebedee & Esther, born 23 Jun. 1761
Rachel, daughter of Zebedee & Esther, born 24 Feb. 1764
Ruth, daughter of Zebedee & Esther, born 11 Mar. 1767
Annborodil, daughter of Zebedee & Esther, born 8 Sept. 1771
Thomas, son of Zebedee & Esther, born 11 Dec. 1772
Woodworth, Jabez & Mrs. Martha Fox of New London, married 8 Nov. 1762
Elisabeth, daughter of Jabez & Martha, born 31 Jan. 1764
Douglas, son of Jabez & Martha, born 6 Dec. 1765
Isaac, son of Jabez & Martha, 19 Feb. 1768
Woodworth, Thomas & Zerviah Fox, married 19 July 1750
Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Zerviah, born 2 Jun. 1753
Oliver, son of Thomas & Zerviah, born 19 Jan. 1756
Huldah, daughter of Thomas & Zerviah, born 11 Oct. 1758
Yeamans, Eunice, daughter of Amos & Susanna, born 16 Sept. 1757
Mr. Amos, husband of Susanna, died 30 Dec. 1759
Anne, daughter of Amos & Susanna, born 21 Mar. 1760
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