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Vital Records of Norwich, Conn. 1735-1780
Raymond, Samuel & Lucy Story, married 10 Nov. 1743
Lydia, daughter of Samuel & Lucy, born 11 Nov. 1746,
died in Aug. 1747
Samuel, son of Samuel & Lucy, born 27 Aug. 1748
Daniel, son of Samuel & Lucy, born 30 Dec. 1750, died 28 Jun. 1752
Richard, died 23 Feb. 1752
Samuel, son of Samuel & Lucy, died 5 July 1752
Samuel, son of Samuel & Lucy, second by that name, born 27 May 1753,
died 19 Nov. 1754
Abell, son of Samuel & Lucy, born 29 May 1756
Samuel, son of Samuel & Lucy, third by that name, born 15 July 1757
Read, Margret, daughter of Andrew & Rebeckah, born 22 Mar. 1740
Elizabeth & Mary, twin daughters of Andrew & Rebeckah, born
28 Oct. 1741
James, son of Andrew & Rebeckah, born 1 Nov. 1743
Rebeckah, daughter of Andrew & Rebeckah, born 27 Mar. 1748
Read, John Jr. & Dorothy Gellup of Voluntown, married 22 Aug. 1744
Lucy, daughter of John Jr. & Dorothy, born 7 Oct. 1745
John, son of John Jr. & Dorothy, born 23 Nov. 1748
Read, Joseph & Thankful Andrus, married 16 Sept. 1740
Jabez, son of Joseph & Thankful, born 11 Oct. 1741
Jabez, son of Joseph & Thankful, died 7 jan. 1741/42
Esther, daughter of Joseph & Thankful, born 24 Dec. 1742
James, son of Joseph & Thankful, born 23 Nov. 1745
Asa, son of Joseph & Thankful, born 29 July 1748
Lydia, daughter of Joseph & Thankful, born 18 July 1751
Hannah, daughter of Joseph & Thankful, born 29 Jun. 1754
Amos, son of Joseph & Thankful, born 25 Apr. 1758
Read, Joseph Jr. & Sarah Kimball of Newent, married 5 Jun. 1740
Sarah, daughter of Joseph Jr. & Sarah, born 21 Mar. 1741
Anna, daughter of Joseph Jr. & Sarah, born 8 July 1743
Eunice, daughter of Joseph Jr. & Sarah, born 21 Mar. 1748
Abell, son of Joseph Jr. & Sarah, died 16 May 1767
Read, Joshua & Sarah Underwood, married 24 Dec. 1747
Read, Nathan & Mary Gay, married 21 May 1747
Susannah, daughter of Nathan & Mary, born 20 Jun. 1748
Nathan, son of Nathan & Mary, born 18 Oct. 1750
William, son of Nathan & Mary, born 11 May 1753
Read, Samuel & Mary Andrus, married 3 Oct. 1745
Samuel, son of Samuel & Mary, born 28 Oct. 1746
Jonathan, son of Samuel & Mary, born 12 Feb. 1748/49
Mercy, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 10 Jun. 1751
Elisha, son of Samuel & Mary, born 5 Jan. 1753
David, son of Samuel & Mary, born 1 Jun. 1755
Prudence, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 20 Aug. 1757
Benjamin, son of Samuel & Mary, born 24 Sept. 1762
Read, Jesse, son of Zipporah , born 11 day Mar. 1749/50
Jesse Spauldwin, son of Zipporah, died 15 Sept. 1754
Reynolds, Gamalial & Mehitabel Beebe, married 15 Dec. 1745
Mehitabel, wie of Gamalial, died 22 Oct. 1746
Reynolds, Gamalial & Sarah Hazen, 2nd wife, married 31 Oct. 1749
Elizabeth, daughter of Gamalial & Sarah, born 8 Sept. 1750
Mehitable, daughter of Gamalial & Sarah, born 25 Apr. 1752
Gamaliel, son of Gamalial & Sarah, born 20 May 1754
Sarah, daughter of Gamalial & Sarah, born 22 Nov. 1755
Hannah, daughter of Gamalial & Sarah, born 16 Jul. 1757
Elisha, son of Gamalial & Sarah, born 14 Sept. 1759
John, son of Gamalial & Sarah, born 16 Mar. 1761
Simeon, son of Gamalial & Sarah, born 23 Jun. 1763
Reynolds, Thomas & Mary Wentworth, married 16 May 1749
Reynolds, Stephen, son of Thomas & Mary, born 16 Jun. 1750
Reynolds, Priscilla, daughter of Thomas & Mary, born 6 July 1752
Roath, Daniel & Elizabeth Verguson, married 13 Feb. 1744/45
Roath, Ebenezer & Sarah Leffingwell, married 1 Sept. 1742
Roath, James, son of Ebenezer & Sarah, born 6 Mar. 1743
Zipporah, daughter of Ebenezer & Sarah, born 26 Nov. 1745
Mr. Ebenezer, husband of Sarah, died 23 Nov. 1778
Roath, John & Hannah Killon, married 2 Jan. 1744/45
John, son of John & Hannah, born 27 May 1745
Roath, Robert & Lydia Hewett of Marshfield, married 21 Mar. 1743
Lydia, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 5 Mar. 1744
Azubah, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 18 Sept. 1745
Rhoda, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 6 Dec. 1747
Elizabeth, daughter of Robert &Lydia, born 26 Oct. 1749
Eunice, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 27 Oct. 1751
Lucy, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 13 July 1754
Anna, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 29 Apr. 1756
Sarah, daughter of Robert & Lydia, born 20 Dec. 1758
Roath, Stephen & Sarah Burnam, married 6 Mar. 1739/40
Stephen, son of Stephen & Sarah, born 25 Feb. 1741/42
Mary, daughter of Stephen & Sarah, born 23 Apr. 1744
Sarah, daughter of Stephen & Sarah, born 21 July 1747
Asa, son of Stephen & Sarah, born 10 Nov. 1758
Eleazer, son of Stephen & Sarah, born 10 Nov. 1758
Robbards, Samuel & Zerviah Hartshorn, married 4 Jan. 1742
Zerviah, daughter of Samuel & Zerviah, born 6 Oct. 1743
Abigail, daughter of Samuel & Zerviah, born 2 Feb. 1746
Samuel, husband of Zerviah, died 29 Aug. 1746
Robbins, Thankful, daughter of Joseph & Katharine, born 26 July 1746
Joseph, son of Joseph & Katharine, born 15 Feb. 1758
Son of Joseph & Katharine, born 10 Oct. 1768
Rockwell, Adonijah & Sarah Newton, married 4 July 1739
Zipporah, daughter of Adonijah & Sarah, born 20 Jan. 1739
James, son of Adonijah & Sarah, born 17 Mar. 1741
Esther, daughter of Adonijah & Sarah, born 1 May 1742
Betty, daughter of Adonijah & Sarah, born 20 Feb. 1743/44
Samuel, son of Adonijah & Sarah, born 13 Dec. 1745
Rockwell, Josiah & Lucy Lothrup, married 25 Dec. 1740
Hannah, daughter of Josiah, died 23 Oct. 1753
Rogers, John, son of Theophilus Rogers & Elizabeth, born 27 Nov. 1744
Ezekiel, son of Theophilus & Elizabeth, born Nov. 11, 1745
John, son of Theophilus & Elizabeth, died Feb. 1, 1745
Mr. Theophilus, husband of Elizabeth, died 29 Sept. 1753
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Theophillus, died Nov. 24, 1753
Rood, Jamima Carey, daughter of Experience born 8 Feb. 1739/40
Rose, Thomas & Sarah Hariss of Plainfield, married 28 Jun. 1742
Margret, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 4 Feb. 1742/43
Martha, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 25 July 1744
Asa, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 25 May 1746
Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 28 May 1749
Thomas, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 1 Sept. 1752
Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 10 Feb. 1755
Elijah, son of Thomas & Sarah, born 26 July 1757
Damaras, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 29 July 1760
Betty, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, born 10 Apr. 1763
Rudd, Daniel & Elizabeth Bingham, married 28 Apr. 1741
Elizabeth, wife of Daniel, died 29 July 1741
Rudd, Daniel & Mary Metcalf, 2nd wife, married 1 July 1745
Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel & Mary, born 23 Mar. 1746
Eunice, daughter of Daniel & Mary, born 20 Mar. 1747/48
Lucy, daughter of Daniel & Mary, born 2 Jan. 1750
Daniel, son of Daniel & Mary, born 18 Jan. 1753, died 18 Feb. 1753
Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel & Mary, died 25 Aug. 1753
Daniel, son of Daniel & Mary, second by that name, born 10 Jun. 1754
Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel & Mary, second by that name,
born 3 Sept. 1757
Asher, son of Daniel & Mary, born 11 Oct. 1759
Rudd, Gideon & Thankful Allen, married 25 May 1743
Rachel, daughter of Gideon & Thankful, born 17 Feb. 1743/44
Gideon, son of Gideon & Thankful, born 9 Feb. 1746
Rudd, Andrew, son of Nathaniel & Mary, died 15 July 1752
Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel & Mary, died 5 Aug. 1752
Rudd, Samuel & Lurene Fitch, married 25 Dec. 1750
Lurene, daughter of Samuel & Lurene, born 11 Nov 1751
Prosper, son of Samuel & Lurene, born 22 Nov. 1753
Lurene, daughter of Samuel & Lurene, died 4 Jun. 1754
Jonathan, son of Samuel & Lurene, born 20 May 1756
Lurene, wife of Samuel, died 29 Jan. 1781
Rudd, Samuel & Mrs. Anne Brigham, 2nd wife, married 19 Feb. 1783
Rudd, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel & Mary, second of that name,
born 27 Jan. 1752
Lydia, daughter of Nathaniel & Mary, died 25 Mar. 1752
Mary, wife of Nathaniel, died 12 Jun. 1752
Mr. Nathaniel, husband of Mary, died 12 July 1752
Rude, Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail Waldren, married 3 Nov. 1747
Anne , daughter of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 14 Aug. 1750
Nathan, son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 9 Apr. 1752
Reuben son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 18 May 1754
Oliver, son of Ebenezer Jr. & Abigail, born 22 Sept. 1756
Saben, Benajah & Anne Lothrup, married 22 Oct. 1744
Lurane, daughrer of Benajah & Anne, born 8 Dec. 1745
John, son of Benajah & Anne, born 2 Jun. 1748
Anne, daughter of Benajah & Anne, born 28 Feb. 1752
Esther, daughter of Benajah & Anne, born 2 Apr. 1755
Chloe, daughter of Benajah & Anne, born 25 Dec. 1757
Eunice, daughter of Benajah & Anne, born 25 Aug. 1758
Jerusha, daughter of Benajah & Anne, born 19 July 1761
Jerusha, daughter of Benajah & Anne, died 31 July 1773
Saben, Issac & Zeruiah Reynolds, married 24 dec. 1745
Oliver, son of Issac & Zeruiah, born 27 Oct. 1746
Ziba, son of Issac & Zeruiah, born 25 Jun. 1749
Zeruiah, daugher of Isaac & Zeruiah, born 26 Apr. 1752
Eunice, daughter of Isaac & Zeruiah, born 6 Aug. 1755
Isaac, son of Isaac & Zeruiah, born 20 may 1760
Capt. John, died 28 Mar. 1742
Saben, William & Elizabeth Atwell, married 24 Dec. 1739
Lucy, daughter of William & Elizabeth born 29 May 1743
Sabens, Eldad & Abigail Fox, married 31 Jan. 1743/44
Safford, Solomon & Resina Cady of Pomserett, married 19 Jan. 1743/44
Sanford, Joseph & Bethiah Lothrup, married 6 Apr. 1743
Sarah, daughter of Joseph & Bethiah, born 1 May 1744
Hope, daughter of Joseph & Bethiah, born 12 Aug. 1746
Anne, daughter of Joseph & Bethiah, born 14 Apr. 1748
Lydia, daughter of Joseph & Bethiah, born 28 Nov. 1749
Kingsbery, son of Joseph & Bethiah, born 9 Dec. 1751, died 17 Dec. 1751
Kingsbery, son of Joseph & Bethiah, second by that name,
born 4 Sept. 1753
Elisha, son of Joseph & Bethiah, born 18 Nov. 1755
Bethiah, daughter of Joseph & Bethiah, born 1 Jan. 1758
Hannah, daughter of Joseph & Bethiah, born 12 Oct. 1759
Sanger, Elizabeth, daughter of Irijah & Lydia, born 22 Aug. 1749
David, son of Irijah & Lydia, born 10 Aug. 1751
Peter, son of Irijah & Lydia, born 22 Aug. 1754
Sibel, daughter of Irijah & Lydia, born 30 July 1756
Irijah, son of Irijah & Lydia, born 2 May 1759
Shipman, Nathaniel & Ruth Reynolds, married 15 Sept. 1747
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Ruth, born 10 sept. 1748
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Ruth, died 7 July 1749
Lucretia, daughter of Nathaniel & Ruth, born 3 Jun. 1750
Betty, daughter of Nathaniel & Ruth, born 25 Aug. 1752
Mrs. Ruth, wife of Nathaniel, died 11 Dec. 1755
Shipman, Nathaniel & Elizabeth Leffingwell, 2nd wife, married 8 July 1756
Lizze, daughter of Nathaniel & Elizabeth, born 11 Sept. 1757
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Elizabeth, born 17 May 1764
Lydia, daughter of Nathaniel & Elizabeth, born 11 Oct. 1766
Shipman, Oliver Leffingwell, son of Nathaniel & Elizabeth, born 26 Jan. 1773

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