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Vital Records of Norwich, Connecticut
Stodder, Thomas & Deborah Roife, married in Dec. 1699
Thomas, son of Thomas & Deborah, born in Feb. 1701
Joseph, son of Thomas & Deborah, born in Mar. 1702
Hannah, daughter of Thomas & Deborah, born in Sept. 1703
Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Deborah, born in Jan. 1705
Deborah, daughter of Thomas & Deborah, born in Feb. 1707
Hezekiah, son of Thomas & Deborah, born in Feb. 1708
Solomon, son of Thomas & Deborah, born in Jan. 1711
David, son of Thomas & Deborah, born in Jun. 1713
Moses, son of Thomas & Deborah, born in May 1715
Storey, Samuel & Mary Burnam, were married
Samuel, son of Samuel & Mary, born 16 Aug. 1712
Mary, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 20 Jun. 1714
Joseph, son of Samuel & Mary, born 5 July 1716
Ezekiel, son of Samuel & Mary, born 16 Sept. 1718
Jonathan, son of Samuel & Mary, born 13 Sept. 1720
Lucy, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 16 Oct. 1723
Abigail, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 5 July 1726
Elisabeth, daughter of Samuel & Mary, born 12 Mar. 1729
Teney, Joseph & Abigail, the names & ages of their children:
Joseph, son of Joseph & Abigail, born 22 Apr. 1725
Anne, daughter of Joseph & Abigail, born 5 Feb. 1729
John, son of Joseph & Abigail, born 2 Sept. 1729
Sarah, daughter of Joseph & Abigail, born 7 Sept. 1731
Asa, son of Joseph & Abigail, born 8 Sept. 1733
Elijah, son of Joseph & Abigail, born 25 Jun. 1735
Jesse, son of Joseph & Abigail, born 11 Jun. 1739, died 28 May 1740
Jesse, son of Joseph & Abigail, second of that name, born 20 Apr. 1741
Hannah, daughter of Joseph & Abigail, born 24 Apr. 1743
Todd, Thomas & Martha Perkins, married 19 Apr. 1727
Tracey, Daniel & Abigail Adgate, married 19 Sept. 1682
Daniel, son of Daniel & Abigail, born 7 Dec. 1688
Abigail, died 23 Sept. 1711
Mr. Daniel, died 29 Jun. 1728
Tracey, Daniel & Hannah Bingham, widow of Thomas Bingham,
married 4 Mar. 1712
Elisabeth, daughter of Daniel & Hannah, born 10 Feb. 1713
Samuel, son of Daniel & Hannah, born 12 Mar. 1714/15
Elisabeth, daughter of Daniel & Hannah, died 16 Apr. 1715
Tracey, John & Mary Windslow, married 17 Jun. 1670
Josiah, son of John & Mary, born 10 Aug. 1671, died 27 Jan. 1671
John, son of John & Mary, born 19 Jan. 1672
Elisabeth, daughter of John & Mary, born 7 July 1676
Josiah, 2nd of that name, son of John & Mary, born 20 Apr. 1682
Joseph, son of John & Mary, born 20 Apr. 1682
Windslow, son of John & Mary, born 9 Feb. 1688/89
Mr. John, died 16 Aug. 1702
Mrs. Mary, died 31 July 1721
Tracy, Lt. Thomas, died 7 Nov. 1685
Tracey, Jonathan & Mary Grisswold, married 11 July 1672
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Mary, born 21 Feb. 1674
Hannah, daughter of Jonathan & Mary, born 8 July 1677
Christopher, son of Jonathan & Mary, 1 May 1680
Mary, daughter of Jonathan & Mary, born 7 Sept. 1682
Tracey, Soloman & Sarah Huntington, married 23 Nov. 1676
Lidia, daughter of Soloman & Sarah, born 11 Oct. 1677
Simon, son of Soloman & Sarah, born 8 Jan. 1679
Tracey, Soloman & Sarah Sloman, widow of Thomas Sloman,
married 8 Apr. 1686
Solomon, the son of Solomon & Sarah Sloman, born 22 Sept. 1688
Windslow, born 9 Feb. 1689
Mr. Solomon, died 9 July 1732
Mrs. Sarah Tracey, wife of Solomon, died 29 Aug. 1730
Tracy, Daniel & Abigail Leffingwell, married 14 Mar. 1710/11
Abigail, daughter of Daniel & Abigail, born 10 July 1716
Daniel, son of Daniel & Abigail, born 3 Jan. 1718/19
Samuel, son of Daniel & Abigail, born 23 Sept. 1723
Abigail, daughter of Daniel & Abigail, died 4 May 1725
Hannah, daughter of Daniel & Abigail, born 2 Sept. 1727
Daniel, son of Daniel & Abigail, died 1 Jun. 1728
Daniel,son of Daniel & Abigail,second of that name,born 24 Oct. 1730, died 2 Nov. 1730
Mr. Daniel, husband of Abigail, died 29 Jan. 1771
Mrs. Abigail, widow of Daniel, died 10 Mar. 1777
Tracy, Jeremiah & Mary Witter, married 13 Oct. 1713
Mary, daughter of Jeremiah & Mary, born 19 Nov. 1714
Ebenezar, born 29 Oct. 1716
Abiah, died the 31 Aug. 1727
Jeremiah, born 19 apr. 1719
Andrew, born 5 Feb. 1721/22
Dorothy, born 3 May 1724
Abiah, born 15 Aug. 1726
Abiah, daughter of Jeremiah & Mary, born 31 Dec. 1728
Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah & Mary, born 21 Jan. 1731/32
Tracy, John Jr. & Elizabeth Leffingwell, married 10 May 1697
Elizabeth, daughter of John & Elizabeth, born 6 Apr. 1698
John, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 27 Jun. 1700
Hesekiah, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 30 Aug. 1702
Josiah, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 27 Feb. 1704/05,
died 28 Apr. 1705
Isaac, son of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 25 May 1706
Anne, daughter of John jr. & Elizabeth, born 29 Nov. 1708
Ruth, daughter of John Jr. & Elizabeth, born 13 Sept. 1711
Mrs Elizabeth, wife of John Tracy Jr., died 25 Oct. 1737
Tracy, John Jr. & Margret Hide, married 21 Jan. 1723/24
John, son of John & Margret, born 11 Feb. 1725, died 27 Mar. 1726
Eleazer, son of John & Margret, born 16 Mar. 1727/28
Josiah son of John & Margret, born 17 Apr. 1730
Elizabeth, daughter of John & Margret, born 1 May 1732
Margret, daughter of John & Margret, born 16 May 1734
Daniel, son of John & Margret, born 14 Mar. 1737/38
Rachel, daughter of John & Margret, born 22 Sept. 1740
Theophilus, son of John & Margaret, born 14 Sept. 1742
Joshua, son of John & Margaret, born 13 Aug. 1745
Tracy, Joseph & Mary Abell, married 30 Dec. 1705
Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary, born 17 Oct. 1706
Mary, daughter of Joseph & Mary, born 4 Jan. 1707/08
Elisha, son of Joseph & Mary, born 17 May 1710
Margaret, daughter of Joseph & Mary, born 11 May 1710
Zerviah, daughter of Joseph & Mary, born 14 Dec. 1714
Lydia, daughter of Joseph & Mary, born 10 Dec. 1716
Irena, daughter of Joseph & Mary, born 15 Jan. 1718/19
Phineas, son of Joseph & Mary, born 18 Jan. 1720/21
Jerusha, daugher of Joseph & Mary, born 23 May 1723
Capt. Joseph, husband of Mary, died 10 Apr. 1765
Tracy, Simon & Mary Leffingwell, married 14 Jan. 1707/08,
Simon, son of Simon & Mary, born 24 Nov. 1709, died 20 Feb. 1710
Simon, son of Simon & Mary, Second of that name, born 7 Nov. 1710
Civil, son of Simon & Mary, born 8 Dec. 1712
Moses, son of Simon & Mary, born 4 oct. 1714
Job, son of Simon & Mary, born 11 Jan. 1716/17
Lydia, daughter of Simon & Mary, born 12 Jun. 1719
Job, son of Simon & Mary, died 6 Oct. 1719
Mrs. Mary, wife of Simon, died 22 Sept. 1770
Mr. Simon, husband of Mary, died 14 Sept. 1775
Tracy, Winslow & Rachell Riply, married 21 Jun. 1714
Joshua, son of Winslow & Rachell, born 19 Jun. 1715
Perez, born 13 Nov. 1716
Josiah, born 10 May 1718
Elephilate, born 14 Nov. 1720
Nehemiah, born 18 Mar. 1722/23
Samuel, son of Winslow & Rachell, born 5 Dec. 1724
Soloman, born 23 May 1728
Uergson, John & Elizabeth, the names & ages of their children:
Elizabeth, daughter of John & Elizabeth, born 3 Jun. 1726
Wade, Robert & Abijah Royce, married 11 Mar. 1691
Susanah, daughter of Robert & Abijah, born in Jan. 1691
Wallbridge, Amos & Theodia, his wife, their children as follows:
Deborah, daughter of of Amos & Theodia, born 6 Aug. 1722
Theodia, daughter of Amos & Theodia, born 15 Mar. 1724/25
Amos, son of Amos & Theodia, born 15 Dec. 1727
William, son of Amos & Theodia, born 12 Dec. 1730
Wallbridge, Henry Jr. & Mary Jewitt, married on 21 Feb. 1722/23
Anna, daughter of Henry & Mary, born 5 Nov. 1723
Eleazar, son of Henry & Mary, born 10 Feb. 1724/25
Henery, son of Henry & Mary, born 23 Jan. 1726/27
Henery, son of Henry & Mary, died 5 Aug. 1727
Wallbridge, Thomas & Mary Knight, married 24 Mar. 1722
Elijah, son of Thomas & Mary, born 27 Feb. 1722/23, died in July 1724
Sarah, daughter of Thomas & Mary,born 23 Aug. 1725,died in Jul. 1726
Sarah, second of that name, daughter of Thomas & Mary,
born 9 Aug. 1727
Mary, daughter of Thomas & Mary, born 17 Aug. 1729
Thomas, son of Thomas & Mary, born 31 July 1731
Lydia, daughter of Thomas & Mary, born 16 Apr. 1734
Elijah, son of Thomas & Mary, born 23 Dec. 1736
Wallbridge, William & Abigail Larence, married 27 Jan. 1713/14
John, son of William & Abigail, born 21 Nov. 1714
Ede, child of William & Abigail, born 14 Oct. 1716
Zebulon, son of William & Abigail, born 17 July 1718
Civil, child of William & Abigail, born 25 Dec. 1720
Eunice, daughter of William & Abigail, born 22 May 1723
Wallbrig, Henry & Anna, the names & ages of their children:
Anna, daughter of Henry & Anna, born 8 Mar. 1702/03
Ebenezer, son of Henry & Anna, born 15 May 1705
Margrett, daughter of Henry & Anna, born 11 Sept. 1711
Mr. Henry, husband of Anna, died 25 July 1729
Walton,Henry,son of Lawrance Walton & Margaret,was born the 14 Nov. 1710
Walton, Lawrance, died the 20 June 1726.
Walton, Nathaniel, the names & ages of his children:
Joseph, son of Nathaniel, born 14 Nov. 1719
Susanah, daughter of Nathaniel, born 13 Dec. 1721

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