St. Jame’s Church Records,Great Barrington, Mass.
Copied by Louis Hasbrock Von Sahler
Nobletown, June 17, 1770
Following children baptized:
William, son of Eleazer Williams & Mary, his wife.
Sarah, daughter of David Weller & Hepsaba, his wife.
Christene, daughter of John Warn & Lucretia, his wife.
Phebe, daughter of Wm. Taylor & Jemima, his wife.
Christene, daughter of Matthew Bunt & Mariche, his wife
Sarah, daughter of Elijah Pixley & Charity, his wife.
Elizabeth, daughter of John McFarlis & Eva, his wife.
John, son of Jehoiskim Van Valckenburgh & Elizabeth, his wife.
Henry, son of John Smith & Charity, his wife.
James, son of Joseph Edminster & Lydia, his wife.
Mr. Moses Gilbert & Ebenezar Green, chosen church wardens. Mr. Robert Meaker, clerk.
Williamstown, Monday, 5 June 1770
Baptized Aner, daughter of Zadok Bostwick & Dorckas, his wife.
New Concord, July 1, 1770
Baptized the following children:
Mindwell, daughter of Moses Woster & Mindwell, his wife.
Abraham & John, sons of John Savage & Ann, his wife.
Sarah, daughter of David Woodward & Christian, his wife.
Abraham, son of Edward Savage & Mary, his wife.
Charles, son of John McArthur & Elizabeth, his wife.
Great Barrington, July 8, 1770, baptized:
Jacob, son of Isaac Vandusen, Jr. & Catherine, his wife
Geese, daughter of Matthew Vandusen & Elizabeth, his wife.
Nobletown, July 15, 1770, bapstized:
Ann & Elizabeth, daughters of John Crane & Hannah, his wife.
Wineson, son of Uriah Louk & Cornelia, his wife.
Anne & Elizabeth, daughters of Edward Vaughn & Anne, his wife.
Joel & Perseus, sons of Moses Carley & Olive, his wife.
Great Barrington, July 22, 1770. baptized:
Anne, wife of Daniel Bailey.
Elizabeth & Mary, daughters of the above Daniel Bailey & Anne, his wife.
Sandersfield, July 29, 1770, baptized:
Josiah & Sarah, son and daughter of John Hubbard & Hannah, his wife.
Lanesborough, August 5, 1770, baptized:
Phebe, daughter of Asahel Beach & Kezia, his wife.
Chloe, daughter of William Jervies & Mary, his wife.
Philo, son of Giles Barnes & Rachel, his wife.
Joseph, son of Uzziel Darrin & Mary, his wife.
Joseph, son of Wm. Bradley & Lois, his wife.
Ephraim, son of Azur Curtise & Margery, his wife.
New Concord, August 19, 1770, baptized:
James, son of James Savage & Ann, his wife.
Catherine, daughter of James Peterson & Elizabeth, his wife.
Elizabeth, daughter of Hendrick Winter & Catherine, his wife.
New Canaan, August 21, 1770, baptized:
Abraham & Jacob, sons of Isaac Searls & Hannah, his wife.
Abigail, daughter of Daniel Hawley & Hannah, his wife.
William, son of Wm. Noyes & Elizabeth, his wife.
Baptized August 22, 1770:
Wm., Elijah & Sarah, sons and daughter of Elijah Bostwick & Rebecca, his wife.
Elizabeth, daughter of Asa Warner, deceased, and Sarah, his wife.
Thankful, daughter of Joel Curtiss & Thankful, his wife.
Nobletown, August 26, 1770, baptized:
Eghe, daughter of Benjamin Fray & Elizabeth, his wife.
Jonah, son of Lemuel Cleveland & Margret, his wife.
Molly, daughter of Francis Wolcot & Lydia, his wife.
Margret, daughter of James Smith & Susannah, his wife.
Robert, son of Peter Scism & Rachel, his wife.
Peter, son of Robert Roropough & Hannah, his wife.
Rhoda, daughter of John Bagley & Prudence, his wife.
Lois, daughter of Isaac Frimes & Margret, his wife.
Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Lockwood & Nancy, his wife.
Baptized August 27, 1770:
Margret, wife of Isaac Grimes.
Henry & Philander, sons of the above Isaac & Margret Grimes.
Benjamin & Hannah, son and daughter of John Bagley & Prudence, his wife.
Lanesborough, Sept. 9, 1770, baptized:
Mary, wife of Uzziel Darrin.
Great Barrington, Sept. 16, 1770, baptized:
David, son of Deodat Ingersoll & Christian, his wife.
Christian, daughter of Michael Holenbeck & Elizabeth, his wife.
Molly, daughter of Abraham Vandusen & Geese, his wife.
Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Goud & Catherine, his wife.
Sheffield, Sept. 29, 1770, baptized:
Joseph, adopted son of Jonah Plastage.
Rachel, daughter of Job Westover & Rachel, his wife.
Matthew, son of James Lindsey & Abigail, his wife.
Elizabeth, daughter of Zachariah Spaldin & Rachel, his wife.
Silence, daughter of Jonah Nichols & Joannah, his wife.
Nobletown, Sept. 23, 1770, baptized:
Catherine & Hannah, twin daughters of Gabriel Burzee & Sarah, his wife.
Anne, daughter of Aaron Pixley & Sarah, his wife.
Benjamin, son of Hannah Mallery.
Margery, daughter of Charles Duro.
Lanesborough, Oct. 7, 1770, baptized:
Stephen, son of Jacob Bacon & Ruth, his wife.
Emlen (Emeline?), daughter of Reuben Garlick & Lucy, his wife.
Nobletown, Oct. 14, 1770, baptized:
Mary, daughter of Nell McArthur & Hannah, his wife.
New Concord, Oct. 21, 1770, bapized:
Ezekiel & William, sons of James Lockwood & Sarah, his wife.
Great Barrington, Oct. 28, 1770, baptized:
Sarah, daughter of Nicholas Spoor & Sarah, his wife.
Gerrett, son of Charles Persons & Catherine, his wife.
Lanesboro, Nov. 4, 1770, baptized:
Mary, daughter of Joshua Lobdell & Sarah, his wife.