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Charleston, South Carolina
Michael Carroll, who died of the illness prevalent among strangers, died 22 October 1795, age 19 years
William Augustus Carson,Esq, died 17 Aug. 1856, in the 56 year of his age
William Carson, born December 17, 1842, died November 10, 1904
George Bond Chadwick died March 2, 1819, age 32 days
Rev. Philander Chase, Jr, died March 1, 1824, age 24 years
Jane Cheesborough, wife of John Cheesborough, daughter of William Patton, was born 18 April 1820, died 10 November 1857
Her infant daughter, Mary Aastasia, age 17 days
John W. Cheesborough died 21 Aug. 1845, aged 55 years 11 months 8 days
Dr. Joseph Chouler born in the Parish of St. Lukes, Middlesex, London, on the 24 June 1762, died the 23 Aug 1804, aged 42 years 2 months.
John Cleator died September 7, 1770, aged 25 years
George Augustus Clough born in Liverpool, England, died suddenly of Stanger's fever on November 5,1843, age 22
Mrs. Mary Ann Elizabeth Cogdell, died 4 July 1827, in the 67th year of he age. Only daughter of John & Mary Stevens. Brother Jervis Henry Stevens, son's John Stephano Cogdell, Clement Stevens Cogdell & Richard Cogdell
George Cogdell, husband of Mary Ann Cogdell, died in Georgetown on the 13 November 1792, age 56 years, also his brother, John Cogdell, who died 16 November 1807, aged 78 years 2 months
John S. Cogdell, born 19 September 1778 in South Carolina, died the 25 February 1847
Mrs. Mellescent Colcock, died 23 April 1829, in the 86th year of her age
Mellicent Jane, wife of R.W. Colcock, died 14 August 1851, in the 27th year of her age
Franklin Brevard, son of Henry W. & Julia M. Conner, born August 8, 1836 and died June 14, 1837, aged 10 months & 5 days
Infant son of Henry W. & Julia M. Conner, born 13 December 1832 and died 18 December 1832.
Julia M. Conner born April 1, 1840, died June 21, 1841
Henry W. Conner, born in Meckleburg, N.C. On March 4, 1797 and died in Charleston January 11, 1861
Julia M. Conner, daughter of H. & E.C. Courtey, widow of Henry W. Conner, was born December 30, 1804 and died June 25, 1881
Richard Corbett died 2 June 1772, age 7 days
John Corbett, died 4 April 1773, age 25 days
Richard Corbett died 22 December 1779, age 1 month
John Corbett, born in Shiffnal, Salop, England, died 19 August 1799, age 57 years
Charles Mathews Cosslett, died 25 Aug. 1776, in the 35th year of his age
Humphrey Courtney born in Devonshire, England, died December 4, 1824, aged 61 years in Charleston.
Humphrey James Courtney, eldest son of Humphrey & Eliza C. Courtney, died the 15 August 1829, aged 18 years 11 months 2 days
James John Courtney, son of Humphrey & Elizabeth C. Courtney, died 21 September 1801, aged 5 years 3 months 24 days
Elizabeth Millery Courtney, his sister, who died on the 23 of the same month, aged 10 years 15 days
Elizabeth Courtney, wife of James Courtney, died Oct. 1813, age 62 years
Elizabeth Kerr Courtney, daughter of Humphrey & Elizabeth C. Courtney, died of Yellow Fever August 29, 1824, aged 12 years 6 months
Elizabeth Chardon Courtney, wife of Humphrey Courtney, was born 20 April 1775, died 12 May 1852, aged 77 years 22 days
Henry Conner Courtney, son of Wm C. & M.L. Courtney, b. 16 Nov. 1858, died 27 December 1858
Eleanor Harriet Courtney, daughter of Humphrey & Elizabeth C. Courtney, born 25 December 1800, died 29 December 1874
Henry Cowing born in Taunton, Ma on the 29 September 1779, died on the 2 March 1845 in Charleston, age 65 years 5 months 2 days
Richard J. Cox, died 18 April 1822, age 35 years
James Sidney Cox, son of Tench Cox, d. Jun. 30, 1822, age 26 yrs 3 months
Ann Creighton, died April 9, 1885, aged 92 years
James Creighton, died 7 September 1837, in the 51st year of his age
Mrs. Ann Creighton, wife of James Creighton, died April 9, 1885, in the 92nd year of her age.
Ann Amelia, wife of E.C. Holland, born May 20, 1842, died Oct. 1, 1880
Mary Waring, born May 14, 1846, died November 18 1881
Juliet Rogers born October 10, 1852, died August 12, 1854
Ruth Creighton born August 11, 1854, died September 24, 1858
Eliza Creighton, second daughter of James & Ann Creighton, born the 23 September 1826, died 21 November 1836
Ann Amelia, daughter of Dr. J.S. & Susan M. Mitchell, died 25 Marc 1842, aged 10 months 20 days

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